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Thoughts & Inspiration

While attending church before leaving for the trip to Montenegro, my pastor said in one of his sermons, “The value we give something- determines the sacrifice we give for something.” This statement really hit home with me and I took it as a challenge for me to evaluate what I value and the sacrifice I am willing to make for what I find most valueable.

While on the mission trip, this statement kept ringing in my ears. Person after person that I met both living in Montenegro and those on my team, showed evidence that they valued God first and foremost in their lives and made sacrifices accordingly.

A sacrifice as big as leaving a home country to live on much less to raising funds to go on this mission trip. My team encouraged me because they sacrificed time, money, comfort, and technology in order to come to Montenegro.

Being in the middle of what God is doing in Montenegro not only refreshed me, but also gave me time to step away from the fast paced culture I live in and evaluate what I truly value.

Montenegro is a stunning place and knowing that I have friends there that are making a difference is encouraging and inspires me to continue doing great things.




Short Term Missions

This blog for Short Term Missions is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.